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2D Platformer Prototype

  • Worked on modular Input Manager, which relies on C# Actions to send input to the other classes like Character Controller, Elevator Controller etc.


GitHub repo:



Instructions and Code

Here's the apk

To test it you can enter any character in the field and click set ip (its only relevant when hardware is used)
Then click "Switch View" button and in this scene/view you can drag in different rooms using the buttons on the left side (for now these are all directed to one room only; the rest will be added later)

Double tap fast (or maybe even triple tap) on the required room to zoom in and you can then use the light and fan buttons on the bottom to drag in the respective items. You can turn them on or off with a tap on the item.
Rooms, fans and lights can be dragged and re-positioned after placing but they shouldn't go outside the indicated ceiling (even when placing initially)

You can zoom out using the button on the right

Save and load also (Functions demonstrated below)

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